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Category: Volunteer Highlights

Community Partners Share Their Stories in the EarthCorps Yearbook

The EarthCorps Yearbook is collecting stories from our vast network of alumni, community partners, and supporters. Today we are sharing from three entries by previous board members, donors, and community partners. EarthCorps could not engage in our work without their support and contributions. Gather round the campfire, because it’s time for some stories! Barbara BruellBoard...

Tacoma Open Space Program Highlights

Volunteer restoration at South Ash St. working to turn around a neglected urban open space. EarthCorps’ Tacoma Open Space Program coordinates volunteer environmental restoration projects at ten different sites throughout the city. These sites range from forested upland areas, to a rehabilitated salt marsh, to urban wetlands, as well as other parcels of open land....

Volunteers bring joy to Herring’s House Park

Did you know that there are over 485 parks in Seattle? Each of them is unique in its own ways. Some frequently visited parks make the lists of top places to visit in Seattle. While others remain less popular and attract different crowds of people. This is the case for Herring’s House Park. A park...

The Power of the EarthCorps Community

“How long have you been with EarthCorps?” It’s a question I get almost every weekend from curious volunteers at the events I lead. I usually say since the beginning of 2016 when I started my first year as a Corps Member, but I always pause a bit before answering. Although this is my second year...

Spirit of Service

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed that “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” EarthCorps has seen a surge of community members wanting to give back. In January and February 2017 more than 1,100 volunteers have worked with us to improve the health of our parks; a 30% increase from...

Proud to be a Steward

I began my time with EarthCorps by volunteering on the weekends at various parks around the Puget Sound. I would show up Saturday morning, work in the park for a few hours, and then go home. After a month or two, I found myself wanting more. I wanted to know which native plants worked best...

The Tale of a Transplant

I have a secret. I’m a transplant. Not native to the Puget Sound area. Instead, I spent my seedling years in Los Angeles, California. So when I moved here in 2013, it felt pretty lonely. Even though Seattle’s an awesome place. (For example – football. We have a formidable team and they have won the...

MLK Day Volunteer Event

Join thousands of volunteers nationwide in making MLK Day “a day ON, not a day OFF!” Volunteer at Cheasty Greenspace with EarthCorps and the Green Seattle Partnership on Monday January 16. Hundreds of volunteers of all ages will be restoring this vital greenspace in Beacon Hill by removing aggressive weeds, planting trees and spreading mulch. EarthCorps...